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Letter from a Fan!

Dear Captin quarters,
Hey I really love your hotel and pool. My family and I use to always go there and have a blast. We wont be able to go anytime soon and I REALLY WANT TO! So if you could PLEASE send me any photo’s or pictures of the place so it can bring back memores. If I could see photos and pictures anything would help bring me back there.
#1 hotel
PS.. Please right back…

It was so cute with all the misspelling and her handwriting I could tell she was between 6-9 years of age. It brought such a smile to my face. I quickly put together a care package with pictures we have taken for Facebook from around the resort, our brochure, pictures of Salty (our new Mascot), pictures of our Luau and included a lei and shell from the beach, just so she could feel like she is here with us!! I sent a wonderful letter to her stating how she brought a smile to my day and how much fun I had putting this together for her!!!
This is why I LOVE my job.. Each day is always a new surprise! It's been a great day here at Captain's Quarters!!!

Dee Welker
Assistant General Manager

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