How to Stay Safe in the Sun When Staying at Captain’s Quarters
Everyone wants to have some fun in the sun while on vacation at Captain’s Quarters Resort. But you need to take precautions to make sure you don’t pay for that fun later on.Here are a few tips for how to stay safe in the sun when you’re staying at Captain’s Quarters or any Myrtle Beach resort.

Before going out in the sun you should take precautions not just against sunburn, but also sunstroke or heatstroke and dehydration. Besides using a sun screen, wear a hat to protect your head and always carry a couple of bottles of water with you – you can top them off at one of the many public water fountains or back at the hotel.
The local municipalities have put together a number of rules for the beach, so if you are not already familiar with them, here is a summary.
-Open containers or beer or liquor are prohibited in any public place including streets, sidewalks, and in beach areas.
-Glass containers are prohibited on the beach.
-You are not permitted to light fires on the beach.
-It is illegal to discharge fireworks on the beach or indeed anywhere within any of the city limits.
A full set of the municipal bylaws can be seen here.
Lifeguard stands are placed at regular intervals along the beach – remember that the lifeguards are there for your protection. In case you wonder what the different colored flags signify, check out the below list.
-An Orange flag at the lifeguard station or stand means there is no lifeguard on duty
-A Red flag flying on the lifeguard stand or station means that the beach is closed to the public
-A Green flag indicates that it is safe to swim
-A Yellow flag indicates caution – you should seek advice from a lifeguard
-A Purple flag means that there is danger from marine life such as jellyfish or sea lice
-Black & White flags signify an area set aside for surfers
-Red and Yellow flags signify an area patrolled by lifeguards
Riptides can develop along the Strand with little warning. If you should by chance get caught in one, swim parallel to the shore until you break free. Do not try to swim against the current.
Here is a final tip. If you are the kind of person who likes walking on the beach, especially after dark, be sure to wear some sort of protection on your feet. This will prevent you from inadvertently being stung by a jellyfish, which are often washed up onto the beach. These stings can be very nasty and painful. If you do get stung, seek help from a lifeguard and treat with a weak acid such as vinegar or lemon juice.
Stay safe out there!